Saturday, September 21, 2013

Hockey Table

For our anniversary I decided to buy Brett a hockey table. He used to play this game with his uncle Dave. He was really excited about the hockey table for about a month before we decided to purchase it. It is a huge hockey table, kind of like a Foosball table. However, our hockey table is hand made by a man in New York and is much more skill based than Foosball.

Anyway, this hockey table takes up our entire second room, but is super fun to play. If you decide to come visit us for some reason you will have to play some hockey (its addicting). 

When Esmeralda was here she and Brett played a game. It was so cute to watch her play. She could barely see over the table and the sticks were so long for her little arms. She did a good job and didn't get too upset when she didn't score. 

Here is a video of Brett and I playing a game. 

Sunday, August 18, 2013

Camping at Mayfield Lake

Last week Brett and I went camping with my parents and my siblings. There were a total of 9 adults, 3 kids, and 2 babies. When we got there the weather was not the best, the first night it rained and it rained most of the next day. However, there were plenty of trees at the campsite and we stayed pretty dry. The best part about the rain was that the burn ban was lifted in the middle of the second day so we were allowed to have a campfire that night. We finally got to enjoy some delicious campfire food, burgers and dogs!

The second day we were there we took a trip out on Brian's boat. The adult kids went first. We had a fishing lesson and ended up catching 5 fish. Jill was a luck box and caught 4 fish, Brett caught one, and Andrew and I just tangled our lines the whole time. But it was really fun to be out on the boat. The kids went next and they came back with 1 fish that Aly caught. 

Jill was probably the funniest person to go fishing with. Apparently we didn't really think about what goes in to catching a fish. Jill was sitting backward on the boat and decided to nonchalantly reel in her fish backward. When the fish was in the boat Brian gave her a mallet to bop the fish on the head with and actually kill it, Jill held the mallet like a beating stick and looked like she was going to bash in its head. It was the most hilarious thing I have ever seen. 

Anyway, we all had a wonderful time out in the woods with no worries. Here are some pictures for your enjoyment.

Leah looking adorable!

Mayfield Lake

Everyone pitching in to help

Leah helping Papa

Jill after murdering her fish

Aly's proud catch

Our huge campsite

Franny did not like being held like a bag, thanks Mom

All the kids on the boat

Tuesday, August 6, 2013

First Anniversary

For our first anniversary, Brett and I went camping up on Mt. Hood at Frog Lake. The lake was super tiny and looked more like a pond, but it was nice. Our camp site was pretty secluded in the woods. The bathrooms were absolutely disgusting, but how nice can a hole in the ground get.

We went on a hike on the Pacific Crest Trail. We went 2 miles in and got a peak of Mt. Hood. If we could have walked all the way to Barlow Pass I am sure we would have seen more of the mountain, but I didn't think it was a good idea to do an 11 mile hike that day. We also hiked in to Lower Twin Lake. This lake was a secluded lake and also very tiny. The hike was fun, we got to see some nice forest and I took pictures of tons of flowers.

We didn't realize it, but Frog Lake is so named because there are tons of frogs near the lake. They were the cutest things ever. These frogs were the size of my thumb nail fully grown! We went for a walk by the lake and thought that a nasty bug was hopping by our feet, but it turns out it was a frog. Then with every step we saw another frog hop out of the way. It was pretty awesome!

For the rest of our trip we played games by the fire and made some delicious food. Neither one of us has ever cooked ribs, so we thought why not try it out over an open fire. Holy shit they were delicious!!!

We had a great trip. Here are some pictures:


20 week ultrasound

Brett and I decided to do one more ultrasound. We thought it would be a nice reassurance to take a look at the baby's anatomy and make sure that everything is developing as it should be. All looks well.

Here is a beautiful picture of our baby to be.

Fourth of July

Brett and I made a trip down to Bend for the Fourth of July. We spent some time with my parents, my brothers, and my Aunt Sue. On the fourth we went to Sue's house. She lives really close to Pilot Butte which is where the annual Bend fireworks show takes place.

I tried to capture some pictures of the fireworks show. Some turned out good, others not so much. It was really hard to watch the show and take pictures at the same time, you have to be really fast to catch the fireworks.

While we were in Bend we also floated the river with Brian and his family. I was really fun to spend time with Aly and Blake. They are getting so big so fast. Aly decided she wanted to get out of the raft and have her own floaty. I was so impressed with her. She was floating along with Brett and I and when we had to pull out of the water before the spillway she navigated the water by herself without any complaints or troubles. I can't believe she is old enough to do that! I didn't get any pictures of this, sorry.

Jenn this is for you. A nasty June bug!!

Olympia High School Alumni Tournament

I am really bad at keeping up to date on my blog. I need to get better at this. So I am going to post a bunch of things today and from now on I will be better about keeping up with life. 

In June, Brett and I went up to Olympia for an alumni soccer tournament. It was interesting being back in the school spirit and as it turns out old rivalries never fade. It was fun to watch Brett and his two brothers play together, I have never seen them all play on the same team before. It was also interesting to see people I used to see on a daily basis but have not kept in touch with. 

Here are some action photos from the games. 
All three brothers

Brett getting low to the ground

Kevin heading the ball

Love the intensity

Brian making a pass

This was way more cool in real life, my camera did not do it justice. I have never seen a rainbow around the sun before. 

Thursday, May 23, 2013

Baby Creeley

Brett and I went to have an ultrasound last Friday. Everything looks good and healthy. We got to hear and see the heart beat, which was awesome. Our little baby in there has a heart rate of 168 beats per minute. So fast!!

I never thought I wanted to have an ultrasound, I didn't think I needed it. But I have to admit, it was really nice to see that there really is something in there and it pretty much has all of its parts. And it was moving around like crazy!

Here are a few pictures (I don't know why they are turned this way, they are not like that in my pictures file...)
 The little one is sucking its thumb. It moved around like crazy until it found this place and then it stayed there for the rest of the time. So cute all curled up and sucking its thumb!

Baby big brain!!